Advanced Leadership for Managers
This course covers a variety of topics on leadership and communication skills. It is packed with exercises, examples and case studies, so you will be constantly pushed to think and re-examine your own attitudes when dealing with people. You will learn numerous techniques to help you improve your interactions and build trust.
Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to:
· Inspire vision, mission and goal;
· Keep everyone motivated;
· Strengthen emotional Intelligence;
· Use critical thinking to solve problems and conflicts;
· Communicate effectively;
· Build personal branding and positive attitude;
· Fit to lead and to make organization a happy place to work.
Training is designed for the busy professionals, being short and intensive and combining lecture and demonstration. We place a great emphasis on making the training practical, getting participants to practice the techniques taught. The exercises carried out focus on specific issues and cases related to people management skills and leading in challenging situations. Trainers provide advice relevant to your circumstances and requirements based on their experience. Participants have ample opportunity to discuss specific requirements with the trainer. During the training, we focus mainly on: - Activities Based - Experiential Sharing - Role Play & Simulation - Game Based - Learning Action Plan - Case Study - Discussion - Facilitation - Evaluation - Pre-Test and Post-Test for All Participants.
Managers and supervisors who need to increase self-productivity for a betterment of their leadership and management skills.
Icebreakers, Slide Presentation, Exercise Bank, Case Study, Select Sequence, & Prepare Learning Activities
Related Skills Training
Advance Leadership Skills lead your team using a series of effective people management skills and focusing on how to express your vision and leading in challenging situations.
The purpose of this course is for participants to • Understand your team’s aspirations and set goals in a way to get them more committed and motivated to achieve these goals; • Systematically plan using the 5-steps planning technique to improve your brainstorming and problem solving meetings; • Improve your speech and public speaking to express your vision more effectively to your team, clients and stakeholders; • Analyze risks, draw contingency plans to prepare for a crisis and manage it as it unfolds; • Improve your communication skills to provide better feedback, reduce misunderstandings and help people grow and become more productive; • Overcome your fears and discomfort in forgiving people and learn how to forgive using a proven step-by-step technique; • Delegate at the right level to the right people while formulating your request in a way that motivates people and get the most from them.