Effective Supervisory Skills
Effective Supervisory Skills are important because they are what makes someone qualified to be a leader. Many supervisors have a combination of soft and hard skills that make it possible for them to do their job well. Their soft skills include interpersonal skills that help them effectively lead their team. The benefits of supervision include enhanced accountability, increased feeling of support, development of professional skills and improved efficiency. Supervision is also associated with decreased feelings of isolation and role ambiguity.
Training is designed for the busy professionals, being short and intensive and combining lecture and demonstration. We place a great emphasis on making the training practical, getting participants to practice the techniques taught. The exercises carried out focus on specific issues and cases related to people management skills and leading in challenging situations. Trainers provide advice relevant to your circumstances and requirements based on their experience. Participants have ample opportunity to discuss specific requirements with the trainer. During the training, we focus mainly on: - Activities Based - Experiential Sharing - Role Play & Simulation - Game Based - Learning Action Plan - Case Study - Discussion - Facilitation - Evaluation - Pre-Test and Post-Test for All Participants.
Typical participants include Team leaders, front line supervisors, employers and managers and professional staff who need design and evaluate their employees’ performance for organization robust growth.
Icebreakers, Slide Presentation, Exercise Bank, Case Study, Select Sequence, & Prepare Learning Activities
Related Skills Training
Effective Supervisory Skills will equip you with supervising a team and make them achieve as much as their true potential through established management practices.
After joining this course, participant will be able to • Learn to use established management practices to maximize your team’s productivity • Manage a team or office and make their employees reach their full potential • Oversee someone's work to ensure that they are completing their tasks • Help someone to extend their professional skills and understanding • Use established management practices to maximize your team’s productivity • Learn to evaluate your employees’ performance • Develop your employees’ to increase their ability