
Start Date


End Date


Effective Business Writing


1:00 pm -5:00 pm (Every Saturday)

CAM-ASEAN Olympic Branch (Physical Class)

+ Write professional emails that get results + Write effective letters that get read + Prepare effective proposals that win deals + Prepare well-structured reports that impress clients and bosses + Take minutes at meetings effectively + Improve your grammar and spelling

Business Writing course is a one-of-a-kind course that will teach you how to write business e-mails, letters, memos, reports, proposals and will help you become a better communicator and a more confident professional.


- Writing Business E-mails - Writing Business Memos - Writing Business Letters - Writing Business Proposals - Writing Social Business Letters - Writing Business Reports - Effective minute-taking strategies

Training is designed for the busy professionals, being short and intensive and combining lecture and demonstration. We place a great emphasis on making the training practical, getting participants to practice the techniques taught. The exercises carried out focus on specific issues and cases related to people management skills and leading in challenging situations. Trainers provide advice relevant to your circumstances and requirements based on their experience. Participants have ample opportunity to discuss specific requirements with the trainer. During the training, we focus mainly on: - Activities Based - Experiential Sharing - Role Play & Simulation - Game Based - Learning Action Plan - Case Study - Discussion - Facilitation - Evaluation - Pre-Test and Post-Test for All Participants.

Typical participants include supervisors and managers who need to improve their business writing skills for internal workplace or with professional people.

Icebreakers, Slide Presentation, Exercise Bank, Case Study, Select Sequence, & Prepare Learning Activities

Recent Skills Training

Effective Business Writing Price: $280.00
Trainer: Ms. Norin Rathana

Start Date: 22-March-2025 - End Date: 17-May-2025


Corporate Trainer
